Eddie Alexander Meeks Artist

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Vacuum Tube

Sound Design

It’s all about clear sound

Well established is the vacuum tube in sound design. Years and years of learning the art of this amazing little creature. Let us explore a few of my designs and a few old tried and true ones. All of these amps, pre-amps, phono stages and speakers here I have hand built from scratch. Each one with its own voice.

Great Performance

I design and wind my own transformers. Years of learning. First we design and build a winding machine, then we wind.


Let’s hear the music. I’ve spent countless hours studying and understanding the art of getting the music from the stylus to your ears. Using the Ortofon 2M SE mono cart I have designed many phono stages and modified a few old designs. One mono phono pre with RIAA curve is seen above with power supply. For stereo I use the Strain Gauge cart and designed a few vacuum tube interfaces to compliment that cartridge as seen in the photos above. Mono block amplifier design I use the 6A3, the 211, GM70 and the 6C33C.


Eddie Alexander Meeks